American Rescue Plan Resources

American Rescue Plan Resources

This website serves as a central repository for state and local advocates involved in the implementation of the American Rescue Plan, a federal package that will help struggling families and state and local governments weather the COVID-19 crisis. State and local advocates will play a pivotal role to ensure states use their funds to reach those most in need and to conduct outreach so people have all the information they need to receive the maximum benefits for which they are eligible.

Overview of the American Rescue Plan

Polling and Messaging Guidance

  • Messaging guidance on state implementation and demonstrating the continued need for state investments in addition to spending the federal relief dollars
  • Topline: A polling overview memo on the wide support for ARP, as well as other public investment and progressive tax proposals

State and Local Aid

Unemployment and Cash Benefits in the American Rescue Plan


  • FAQ from CLASP: The Child Tax Credit and Mixed Immigration-Status Families. English and Spanish.
  • CBPP memo detailing key supports available to immigrants and their families under the American Rescue Plan and other relief legislation.
  • Memo on how states and localities can administer federal relief programs without an immigration test (when possible)
  • Chart by Protecting Immigrant Families on immigrant eligibility for public programs during COVID-19
  • Marketing Toolkit for Immigrant Outreach: the toolkit can be used to support outreach efforts to other hard to reach populations in addition to families with immigrants
  • NILC: Answers to Common Questions about Immigrants’ Access to the COVID-19 Vaccines
  • CBPP blog about the availability of COVID-related testing, vaccination, and services for immigrants

Housing Policy

Health Policy

Food Assistance

  • CBPP report on how food assistance in the American Rescue Plan Act will reduce hardship and provide economic stimulus

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

  • CBPP blog post on how ARP’s new $1 billion Pandemic Emergency Assistance fund for the TANF program will help families with the lowest incomes meet their added expenses or debt due to the pandemic. The blog also provides recommendations on how state can use the funds

Examples from Other States

  • Analysis by California Budget & Policy Center on how ARP will help millions of Californians
  • Report by Michigan League for Public Policy on how federal funding will help the state recover from the COVID-19 crisis
  • Guide on ARP and recommendations on how Florida should spend the funds by Florida Policy Institute
  • Op-ed by Colorado Fiscal Institute on why it’s a bad idea to use ARP dollars to backfill the state unemployment insurance trust fund
  • Op-ed by Kansas Action for Children on how Kansas kids – and their families – could benefit from the American Rescue Plan
  • Podcast by Oregon Center for Public Public on what ARP means for Oregonians and how it primarily benefits families with the most need